Choosing Document Distribution Software

Document distribution software enables multiple teams to work on files simultaneously and ensures that everyone is using the most current version. It also reduces risks by keeping an accurate document of all changes and edits, so you can easily find the correct version should you need to go back. This feature is especially crucial for today’s remote workforce.

You must ensure that the document management system you choose can handle the volume of documents that your business produces. It should contain scalable tools to automate workflows, capture data and sign electronically. It is also required to be able of handling a variety of types of paper documents as well as digital documents.

Certain document management systems provide image scanning and optical character recognition (OCR), which helps simplify large digitization projects through automatically classifying documents with metadata and making them easier locate in the future. Some also allow users to share documents with external clients, allowing you to automatize your workflow for documents and reduce the amount of paperwork.

A majority of businesses produce a multitude of different documents regularly and the information is typically distributed across departments as well as locations and devices. It can be difficult to keep track of all these files and locate the one you require in the time you need it. Documents can become obsolete or even disappear without a central repository. This can pose the risk of compromising compliance for industries that have strict regulations. In the worst-case scenario, documents could fall into wrong hands.

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